Free Tailwind CSS Templates - Download Beautiful Templates for Your Website

Find a collection of free Tailwind CSS templates to enhance the design of your website. Download beautiful and customizable templates for your web projects.

Free Hub offers a vast collection of free and premium Tailwind CSS templates specially designed for startup, SaaS, landing page, and business websites. The website provides a variety of ready-to-use, open-source templates that are highly customizable and easy to integrate, enabling users to rapidly build and launch their web projects.

Tailwind Awesome

Tailwind Awesome

Tailwind Awesomeoffers a collection of free Tailwind templates and UI kits, curated from the internet, to assist in building websites and applications with ease.

Tailwind Toolbox

Tailwind Toolbox

The Tailwind Toolbox website offers a wide variety of free, open-source starter templates, components, and resources for developers to kick-start their Tailwind CSS projects. It features an extensive collection of beautifully designed landing pages, dashboards, blog templates, and more, all built with Tailwind CSS, to help users rapidly prototype and build stunning web applications.

Admin Dashboard



Flowbite is a free and open-source UI admin dashboard template built with the components from Flowbite and based on the utility-first Tailwind CSS framework featuring charts, tables, widgets, CRUD layouts, modals, drawers, and more. This admin dashboard can quickly help you get started building an application for your project using the newest UI/UX development technologies in the open-source area including Tailwind CSS and Flowbite. Read More...

Mosaic Lite

Mosaic Lite

Mosaic Lite is a responsive dashboard template built on top of TailwindCSS and fully coded in React. It comes with several pre-coded charts (built with Chart.js 3) and widgets, and it's a great starting for anyone who wants to create a user interface for SaaS products, administrator dashboards, modern web apps, and more. Read More...



Cleopatra is developer-first Template , rich with features and highly customizable. i'am followed the highest industry standards to bring you the very best admin template that is not only fast and easy to use but highly scalable. Read More...